We use these skincare technologies and vendor equipment in our skincare procedures:

We also use OxyGeneoTechnology for facial care - here’s how it works alongside the end results!

Oxygeneo Technology for facials - a diagram of how it works through exfoliation, oxygenation, and infusion.

How it works

1. Exfoliation — clears dead skin cells, opens clogged pores and smooths the skin.

2. Oxygenation — the Bohr effect oxygenates the skin!

3. Infusion — nutrients and vitamins are infused into the skin.

Oxygeneo Technology used for skincare facials, showing before and after results.

answers to frequent questions

Downtime — there’s none! You can return to your daily routine immediately after OxyGeneo™ .

Skin Suitability — the technology is designed for use with all skin types.

Results — are immediate! Optimal and longer lasting improvements may require multiple sessions.